Wednesday 9 July 2014

Why Apple Losing A Siri Patent Case In China Is Great News For Intellectual Property Holders Everwhere

Apple AAPL +0.46% appears to have just lost the first stage of a patent case in China about Siri, the voice application. At first blush you might not think this is a good idea for patent holders outside the Middle Kingdom, for what this is is a court ruling against such foreign intellectual property. However, there’s another way around to think of this. Which is that China in general, Chinese courts and Chinese companies are only going to start taking the protection of IP seriously when they’ve got some of their own IP to protect. And if we’re now beginning to see that there is such domestic IP, which is being protected by those domestic courts, then it’s entirely possible that we’ll see, over the coming years, something of a sea change in IP protection in that country.

The story itself is over with my colleagues at The Register:
 Apple has lost the first stage of a Siri IP case in China, after a Beijing court ruled that the patent held by the Chinese firm doing the suing was valild.
The fruity firm was arguing with both Shanghai-based Zhizhen Network Technology and the State Intellectual Property Office over the validity of a speech-recognition technology patent that Zhizhen is asserting against its Siri voice assistant. But the court said in a statement that it had decided that the patent was valid.
Leave aside the specifics of this case for a moment and just think through the economic, or game theory, aspects of IP protection. We start with the idea that the invention of new technology is all too often a public good. Once it’s been invented then anyone can just go copy it. This means that it’s very hard to profit from having invented some new thing and thus we get rather less invention than we think we would like. We therefore invent this artificial property right, this patent, copyright, even trademark (all are different but all are related to the same point). This stops the copying of the invention, people can make a profit out of having invented and so we get a larger stream of new shiny things that we can enjoy.
However, this all does rather depend on everyone agreeing to respect those artificial rights. And famously, for decades now, China hasn’t really been paying much attention to the enforcement of those rights. Much effort has been expended on trying to make them do so but with only minor progress.
Which brings us to the game theoretical part of this. Why should China support foreign IP rights? Sure, they’ve signed various pieces of paper stating that they will enforce them but we all know that that’s not enough. There has to be something in it for China, the Chinese or the Chinese economy to give them an incentive to live up to those written promises. And the point being that until recently there was very little Chinese owned IP that they wanted other countries to protect. Their situation was only that there were all these foreigners demanding that Chinese companies don’t use foreign property. But there were very few Chinese companies demanding that foreigners didn’t use Chinese property.
Being realistic we can predict how things would work out in such a situation. Lots of nice and kind words and very little action. And that’s pretty much what has been happening. Precisely and exactly because there was no Chinese IP for all of us to rip off the Chinese government wasn’t going to be serious about making sure that our IP wasn’t ripped off in China.
Not that anyone would put it in quite such stark terms officially of course: but it’s logically sensible and fits well the observable facts.
This calculation all rather changes when there starts to be Chinese IP that deserves and can gain useful protection from stronger enforcement of the IP laws. At some point the value of Chinese IP being protected from foreign rip offs becomes a significant portion of the foreign being ripped off in China. Sure, those ripping off and those protecting may well be in separate firms, so that the incentives are different across the economy. But for the economy as a whole there does come a time when IP protection is a good idea for domestic companies as a whole. And, continuing with the game theory idea, that’s around and about when it’s likely that the domestic government is going to get serious about enforcing IP protection. Note the impetus here: if there’s some Chinese IP worth protecting domestically in China that same IP is likely worth protecting on behalf of the Chinese inventors in the US as well. And the quid pro quo is always going to be that American law will protect Chinese IP in the US as long as, and as well as, Chinese law protects US IP in China.
And it’s that that leads me to thinking that this particular case is a harbinger of likely improvement in the future. The details of the case aren’t my point here. Just that we’re seeing stricter (and only stricter, not yet “strict”) protection of domestic Chinese intellectual property rights. Something that leads me to the tentative conclusion that we’ll see generally stricter protection of all IP in that country. For the country is now producing IP that is worth protecting thus meaning that the calculation about whether to just rip off the foreigners or to cooperate with them in general in this protection has changed.
I don’t mean to imply that there’s going to be an immediate sea change. Only that I think this is going to be the direction of travel off into the future. More IP protection in China for both domestically produced work and for that owned by foreigners. All of which strikes me as rather a good thing.

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