Six countries are expected to battle double-digit inflation in 2015
Thanks to an epic collapse in the ruble, price growth has hit crisis levels in Russia: Inflation reached 15 percent in January. Even worse, there's little respite in sight. Inflation will average 13 percent in 2015, according to the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg.

The unfavorable mix means the Russian economy will probably shrink 4 percent this year, according to the median projection in a separate Bloomberg poll.
Russia is in good company, with five peers in double-digit inflation territory. Argentina probably will have about 22.5 percent inflation this year, and Ukraine is
headed for 17.5 percent price growth. Egypt and Ghana also sit in the two-digit club, with 10.6 percent and 13.2 percent estimates, respectively. All are dwarfed by Venezuela's 72.3 percent projected price growth in 2015.

Argentina isn't far behind. A run on tampons in Buenos Aires last month had Argentine women paying premium prices for the monthly necessity. The nation is grappling with dollar shortages and likely fell into a recession in the fourth quarter.
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