Tuesday 16 December 2014

Gross: US structural growth rate to be about 2% or less

Bill Gross: Rarely get a chance to start over at 70</p> <p>Janus Capital's Bill Gross provides insight into his last few days at at Pimco. Gross discusses the second chance he has been given at age 70.;
Bill Gross said in an exclusive interview with CNBC on Monday that economic growth will likely fall to 2 percent.
"Yes, we're starting from a 3 percent growth economy that will probably persist for another quarter or so," he said. "We get back to a relatively new structural growth rate, which is not 3 but probably 2 or even less."
He attributed the decline to falling oil prices, which in turn affects industries such as fracking. Oil's slide also "determines currency movements," setting off a chain reaction.
"Then financial markets try and readjust," he said. "Hedge funds reduce leverage and sell other positions."
Gross said it would be "very difficult" for oil prices to stabilize.

Financial conditions are also problem, Gross said.
"Why would the Federal Reserve raise interest rates in order to slow economic growth if in fact inflation was moving lower? They have a dual mandate from that standpoint," he said. "I think the market basically doesn't respect the second part of that mandate."
He also sees the 10-year yield holding near 2 percent.

"I think high quality bonds are a safe bet, just not a high returning bet," he said.

Read MoreGross: Coverage of my Pimco departure 'harsh'
He said Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities "look great."
Founder of the Pacific Investment Management Company, Gross abruptly left for Janus Capital in late September.
Evelyn Cheng

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